As a brand, it is our duty to make sure we’re supporting you, our leopards - during these uncertain times. To help you make the most of staying indoors, we've put a list of our 10 favourite Dancing Leopard activities for you to give a whirl at home!
1. We love reading at Dancing Leopard HQ and have our own DL library which includes book suggestions from people across the business. We are advocates that ‘knowledge is power’ so the main themes of the books in the DL library are motivational, spiritual and girl bossing!

Our favourite author at the moment is Robin Sharma. He has written two hugely inspiring books that sit in our library. (The Monk who sold his Ferrari and also the 5AM club)
The Monk who sold his Ferrari couldn’t be more apt’ in this current climate. It is a personal account of how Robin left his money driven, busy and pressured lifestyle to become a monk after suffering with his health. He realises the importance of having less and seeing the beauty in the every day. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
TOP TIP: Invite your friends and family to start reading the same book as you and share your thoughts and opinions through a virtual book club.
2. If you’ve ever had a yoga or meditation class, you will have heard or may have been asked to project and control your breath to enhance the flow of air through the body. This is Pranayama, and it teaches you to breathe consciously, with awareness, and intent.
If you understand how to work with your breath, you are able to control unpleasant emotions such as anger, nervousness or fear. We have a favourite app here at DL HQ and that is the Wim Hof App, where you can learn his breathing techniques to improve strength, health and happiness - a real saviour in this heightened emotive time.
3. Our go to endorphin releasing exercise (as taught by chief Leopard Jade) is crazy dancing!
PLEASE TRY THIS AT HOME! What ever mood you find yourself in, pop on your favourite up beat tune and force yourself to dance. Literally start swinging and twirling your body around and we PROMISE you’ll feel liberated and happy!
It is also a great technique to use if you’re feeling overwhelmed by a situation (or work meeting) simply remove yourself, get your earphones on full blast and MOVE THAT BODY!
Here’s our DL Spotify mix so you know what we’re jammin’ to:
4. “From you to me” A journey of a lifetime.
Our marketing manager Rosie came across these beautiful memory journals and we couldn’t think of a better time to share them. You purchase the journal for your chosen family member and it is then their gift back, by writing the journal to you.
Each journal asks 60 thoughtful questions to capture their life story - so prepare yourself for many tales and experiences you’ve never heard before. Captured with photos, memorabilia and handwritten memories, these invaluable journals can be kept for generations to come, as they record an inspiring tale of each persons past, present and thoughts about the future.
5. The believed health benefits of Turmeric are HUGE! Turmeric is heavily used in Asia, particularly India and Sri Lanka where they use the spice not only for favouring but also in herbal medicine too.
Turmeric has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties so what better way to benefit than by putting them into a gorg’ latte.
Ingredients for a frothy Turmeric latte:
- 2 cups coconut/ cashew/ almond milk
- 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Pinch ground black pepper
- Honey or agave to taste
Simply heat all ingredients (except the honey/agave) over a low heat and stir. Use an electric brother or whisk to create a foamy texture. Once you’re happy with the consistency, split into two mugs, add in your preferred sweetener and enjoy!
Also check out how to make a healthy Tea on our instagram, from our dear friend Verity over at Ibiza superfoods.
Either way, look after yourself and your family with a healthy brew.
6. Podcasts (although obvious) give us an incredible amount of easily accessible information, inspiration and stories. Lots of DL team members commute to our HQ, so we’ve delved to find their most loved podcast travel companions to challenge your mindset, embody self-love and boost positivity:
Jay Shetty: On purpose
I’m fortunate to have fascinating conversations with the most insightful people in the world, and on my podcast, I’m sharing those conversation with you.
Deepak Chopra: Infinite Potential
What makes us conscious beings and why does it matter that we are? Deepak as he delves into this moment of great transformation to answer these questions…and explore our infinite potential.
Jody Shield: Be Electric
Be Electric is a tribute to human performance, an appreciation of the human mind and potential, a salute to human innovation, and a celebration of human pioneers.
Robin Sharma: The Mastery sessions
Dedicating my life to help you play your best game & do your best work.
Tony Robbins:The Tony Robbins podcast
Tony Robbins shares proven strategies and tactics so you can achieve massive results in your business, relationships, health and finances.
7. Here’s a recipe from our Accounts manager Anne, to make the UK’s best choccy brownie (& yes we are confident in that statement because it is THAT GOOD!)
Put the butter and chocolate into a heatproof bowl and place over a pan of barely boiling water until they start to melt. Stir until completely melted.
In a bowl, whisk the eggs and sugar together until pale and doubled in size. Add chocolate and butter mix and gently combine in a figure-of-eight motion.
Sift the flour and cocoa powder together and then fold into the chocolate and egg mixture in a figure-of-eight motion - as soon as you cannot see any dusty flour mix, you are done!
Add your own extra ingredients and gently fold in. (Annes favourite are cream eggs!) Transfer the mixture to the lined baking tin and decorate your top. Bake for around 35 minutes ta 190 degrees!
Or, if you want to make a healthy one try this chilli and beetroot recipe from Deliciously Ella (
8. Get NAKED! For Yoga purposes. Obviously.
Leopards, challenge your comfort zone and do naked Yoga in front of the fire. Not only will you improve your flexibility - studies show that yoga can help with stress, anxiety, and depression. What’s more, being naked more often helps us become comfortable in our own skin.
If your a beginner how about downloading a yoga app such as
Or if you have Gaia (another DL favourite app) there is an entire Yoga selection based on your ability.
TOP TIP: There is also lots of online yoga classes running at the moment. We recommend Emily who's running Vinyasa and Yin throughout the week. (DM her for a timetable)
9. As we’re unsure how long we’re going to have to stay at home for, why not get the whole family involved in a cooking competition! ‘Come dine with me’ style!
Designate one family member to cook on each night or one night each week and put your scores and votes in a box - not to be opened before counting the winner at the end of the week. If you’re short on shopping, give the task of creating different dishes with the same ingredients!
May the best cook WIN!
10. Now our Mary (Engagement and communication manager) LOVES a good jigsaw puzzle. She swears by them and has since encouraged many of the team to complete one. As well as boosting our concentration and being mostly user friendly for the entire family, Jigsaws really allow us to slow down and prove to be an effortless calming solution.
Leopards, we would love to know what you are doing at home and if you used any of our top 10 tips! Please stay connected and let us know by getting in touch us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter or tag us in your piccies using #StayinginwithDL